Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Anything would look good on you Joe.
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Super Soaker part 2 or is it 3?

Canaan jumping in the pool

John Kelly. can't really tell but he was pretty much soaking. poor thing, the other 2 boys ganged up on him, and he didn't even have a super soaker.

Another one

another one...
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random picture that i took, i was bored...cant figure out if i like it best in black and white, sepia or in color.
oh also cropped it kind of weird too... it originally had a couple more flowers, but i've discovered the beauty of cropping.

Anna and My toe

not sure what the deal is with me posting pictures of my feet, as I pretty much hate my feet. but i thought this was really cute, Anna licking my toe. messed with the hue and saturation, sharpened it and cropped it. (btw, it looks like my foot is dirty, but it's not, when i messed with the contrast it added a shadow under my foot)
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Frog Statue

a little frog statue in my backyard. it kind of reminds me of the good buddha with the big belly that you rub for good luck.
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Stair Sliding Anyone?

Canaan and John Kelly sliding down the stairs.

Monday, March 30, 2009


mine and john kelly's feets....yeah..i have huge feet
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Sunday, March 29, 2009


mr. M&M....i think he's melting..so i know these last few pictures haven't been great photography, but it's inside to my life...sorta?
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My Birthday Bling

so this is the bling that Canaan and John Kelly got me. some pimpin sunglasses from Canaan, and some totally hip earrings from John Kelly.
love it.

and then Canaan gets into it...

...nothing to say

Apple Juice, Beer, or Pee? you choose

all i have to say, is this kid..wow..so he asked me to get him some apple juice. after i poured it, i said, "kinda looks like pee doesn't it?" he said "yeah....but it really looks like beer!". then he started walking through the living room, "i'm drinking beer ya'll!"

Up for some more?

...well after this, i decided that enough of the water, they were thoroughly soaked. so of course, after i took them inside, and got them all changed, they went back out, and started playing again...sigh...
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This is how we treat our guests...

for the record, he went in willingly. John Kelly decided he wanted to be a cat and in order to be a cat, he had to be locked in the cage. then he said "my name pooter, cuz i poot alot"....hmm, i think him and Stephen would get along great.

Super Soaker Time

and he's off! not very clear, but still pretty good all the same. kind of hard to take really good pictures when trying to dodge from getting soaked(which failed in the end).
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Water Hose

now starts the endless amount of pictures of John Kelly and Canaan. they will be here until Sunday, so that will give me time to take tons of pictures of them...yay!
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18 Candles

my candles. i had put them in wrong at first so that it said 81...yep, that's me, i'm 81...sweet!

Me and cake

me and the cake. josie took this, so she takes the credit for it. i should have had this cake on saturday night. but thanks dad!

Full Cake

this was the whole birthday cake. i went in and messed with the darkness and contrast
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Birthday Cake

random piece of birthday cake
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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Scissors in Hand

i pretty much love how this came out. pretty basic black and white setting on my camera, played with the levels just a little bit

Spoon and Tack Composition

this one is kind of weird. basically, it's a spoon charm from some necklace of mine, and a tack. i took the one original picture, did the whole messing with levels, then i flipped and rotated for 4 of the spoon pictures. then i took a picture of the tack by itself (i should have lightened it up a little bit ), and a picture of the spoon by itself. combined all 7 of them together.
i like it though

Scissors Composition

messing around taking pictures of scissors. afterwards i played with levels, brightness and contrast, and changed the colors of 3 of them. combined all 4 together for the finished picture


this is in black and white except for the makeup around the eyes and lips.
this was black and white, but i really messed with the levels

this is the original

side view, brightness and contrast

side view, sepia.
this is a china doll or something that i've had since i was really little.
i got kind of bored today after i finished school
so i went looking for ideas to photograph.
it was a very willing participant. i used the macro setting
on my camera + zoomed in

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Language of the Search

"...by this time a lot of men and women of doubtful reputation were hanging around Jesus, listening intently. The Pharisees and religion scholars were not pleased, not at all pleased. They growled, "He takes in sinners and eats meals with them, treating them like old friends." Luke 15:1b-2 (TMSG)
Jesus didn't go to the "right kind of people". He came for those of doubtful reputation, the low down, the vile, etc...

The two words that defined Jesus' life
1. Missional (24/7 lived His life on purpose)
2. Incarnational
A missional, incarnational follower of Christ...
1. Is clear about the mission
"I can do nothing on my own. I judge as God tells me. Therefore, my judgment is just, because I carry out the will of the one who sent me, not my own will." John 5:30 (NLT)

"My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." Galatians 2:20 (NLT)
my(your) life is Yours(His). i (you should) will live my(your) life around Your(His) mission 24/7. Jesus accepted His mission, it's time for me(you) to.

"From one man He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us." Acts 17:26-27
God has a reason for me being where i am right now, and doing what i am doing. if He had wanted any different, He would have done so. it is my job to do so with joy and contentment.

2. Lives in the culture without being shaped by the culture.
"Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." Romans 12:2

3. Is empowered by the Holy Spirit
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Thoughts on Love

Some quotes about love

"Manipulation is not love - it is a twisted version of a good thing. Love is giving without expecting something in return; it's not giving out of guilt of mixed motives."
"In the end, there are two kinds of true love. There is gentle love and tough love. both are needed for survival. And both are exemplified in God himself. Gentle love is the side of God that sent Jesus to die in our place - it is self-sacrificing and nurturing, a warm and welcoming kind of love. This is the type of love we all crave so desperately."
"Grace is balanced with justice and enforced with tough love."
"What did Jesus mean when He said, 'Love as I have loved you'? He meant love those like Judas who will betray you, love t hose like Peter whose love is imperfect and faltering, and love those like Mary Magdalene who have an ugly past. But even more than that, He meant love unselfishly and unreservedly. Love with reckless abandon."
" Love is always a choice."

- Shannon Kubiak Primicerio

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dance time..with Stephen


Dance time...with Stephen..2

i know this is supposed to be mainly for pictures, but i really couldn't resist putting this up here..

major lolz...

Attack of the Carl the Crab

this is carl, the crab. granted, i will never see him again ( i dont think he liked me very much)
so he did pretty much try to attack my camera, any closer, and i would have lost the lens. it's a little fuzzy but overall, it's an all right picture.


ha ha. another one that i love. i love how David is so confident with himself.
i'm just...wow with this one...

Evan, David and "The Feet"

so i absolutely love this one. i love the distant, far away, pondering thought of Evan, and then David's kind of goofy look, and then "the feet" in the background. i love it! this isn't the original picture, i have to find it somewhere, and took out a little bit of the saturation out and did just a little bit of sharpening...

David and The Accordion

David and The Accordion. this was taken at Forsythe Park. i like the angle of it, wasn't really trying to get a good picture, i just shot, and it turned out.
evened out the colors and sharpened it...just a little :-D