Wednesday, May 27, 2009


so, me and my friend did a "photo shoot" last weekend, i took pictures of her, she took some of me, outside by the marsh and all. well i worked on some of them but saved them to my memory stick. i haven't looked at them in a few days and just looked on it now to upload some....that won't be happening..somehow, they all got wiped off of my memory stick..there goes a bunch of amazing pictures...gone....
either someone (little sister cough.cough.) is getting on my camera and erasing them, or by some fluke, my camera/memory stick is messing up..this is the second time that has happened.
now i know as soon as i take pictures, load them IMMEDIATELY to my computer..


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Doggy kisses anyone?

one i actually took myself, of myself..
just ignore my nose....
i turned it black and white, then messed with the brightness and contrast
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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Cruise pictures...again

this is pre sunset on friday on the ship. out of a whole week of sunsets, this was the only one i made it to.
'nother one. you can't really see her, but Stephanie is there, but i did that on purpose, her silhouette

same deal
here's the actual sunset. i have others, but i need to crop them to get peoples arms out of the was so crowded i had to push to get a spot to take pictures

random picture from the sky ride

Saturday, May 9, 2009

cruise pictures

so we were walking by a parking lot in St. Thomas and we saw this iguana...
a beach in st. thomas that we went to. a storm was starting to come in

aunt patty and i at the "elegant night" on the ship for dinner on thursday.

grandma cole and us. this was the first "elegant night" on sunday i think.

st. thomas waiting for the sky ride

a picture i took while in the sky ride of our cruise ship

group picture of all the "coles" on the trip. front row from left to right: me, josie, and heather.
middle row left to right: my cousin stephanie, aunt candy (stephanie's mom), aunt patty, and grandma. back row: mom and dad

heather, josie, aunt patty and me at the first elegant night

this was leaving the Bahamas. i guess this was just the light house. if you look to the left in the back you can kind of see Atlantis


so i'm back from my cruise. i had a great time...missed my people though greatly..
i'm going to be going through i think like 300 plus pictures that i took to put up here from
the Bahamas, st. thomas and st. maartan plus the ship and what not.

so good to be back :)

Friday, May 1, 2009


and another one..i like this one to. put the yellow filter on it and such.

'nother one he took. i cropped it down the middle and turned it black and white.

another one he took. i love this one..i added a filter of yellow over it then brought the original color back through then messed with the brightness and it!

one that stephen took of me...i'm impossible to get pictures of.. i just turned it sepia and cropped it and such. he did good

no comment needed

what is it with people and my shades? he wears them good...messed with the levels i think

yeah, idk what this is, i mean, i know what it is, but i don't know why i took it...

day at the park. stephen made me a sandwich..yum..
this is just one of him