Friday, June 19, 2009

mewithoutYou concert pictures

classic evan face
aaron weiss (lead singer of mewithoutYou), evan, me and mer. really did not think I would actually meet this guy. wow..
car ride home...poor evan
i love the look of disgust on evan's face

aaron weiss and evan. evan actually had a 30 minute conversation with him
something silly stephen wanted me to do on the car ride down to orlando
i was in pain, i'd gotten 4 shots the day before...they all laughed and made fun of me... :(
freddie...super tired
me, evan and stephen in the backseat, stephen was harrasing everybody
aaron weiss
once again, stephen bothering ppl who are trying to sleep.
aaron weiss
drummer for crazy sweaty
pre concert picture
aww, trying to sleep
weird face
beautiul meredith, i loved this one.
didn't think i'd actually really put my finger up his nose?
x's on the back of our hands.

so pretty much, this has been and will be the most amazing concert i've ever been to.
mewithoutYou at The Social, Orlando Fl 6/10/09


  1. thank you? not sure who this is.

  2. you're hot.

    When are you going to put up new pics?

  3. I luv these! and the X's on the back of the hands is amazing! i think ur hot too! -Charish

  4. to anonymous, thank you? and these are pretty recent. I haven't taken any recently.
